The IUCN NL Land Acquisition Fund allows nature organisations all over the world to expand, connect and safeguard habitats for endangered species.
One million plant and animal species face the threat of extinction worldwide¹. The main cause is the loss or degradation of their habitat.
Deforestation results in the habitat of many animal species being systematically reduced, or fragmented. It makes it increasingly difficult for the animals that live in such a habitat to, for example, find enough food or reproduce, thus threatening the survival of endangered animal species, such as the blue-throated macaw and the cotton-top tamarin. There is a solution to this problem: by purchasing land in strategic places we can safeguard key areas and reconnect isolated pieces of habitat. These nature connections, also known as corridors, keep the natural migration routes of many animal species intact and thus their populations healthy.
¹ IPBES (2019): Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. E. S. Brondizio, J. Settele, S. Díaz, and H. T. Ngo (editors)
Since its foundation in 2001, the IUCN NL Land Acquisition Fund contributes to expanding, connecting and safeguarding habitats for endangered species.
For over 20 years, it has enabled nature organisations all over the world to acquire and protect endangered natural habitats.
Long-term nature conservation
Working with nature organisations is a crucial element of the Land Acquisition Fund. The ownership of and responsibility for the nature reserves purchased is placed in the hands of a local nature organisation. This is important, because these organisations are highly familiar with the local context and are in close contact with the local community. In association with local residents these environmentalists ensure long-term nature conservation.
Local nature organisations make all the difference
Together with local partner organisations we have been able to make a difference for countless endangered animal species, such as the golden lion tamarin in Brazil, the maleo bird on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and the Indian elephant. So far, the fund has supported over 135 projects in 39 countries. In doing so, we have ensured the long-term protection of almost 70,000 hectares of nature. With the support of the Dutch Postcode Lottery and a growing number of private donors, the Land Acquisition Fund improves the chances of survival of species that face the threat of extinction. Businesses and private individuals can also contribute, through a one-off donation or by means of a periodic donation.
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